Move Together: extra resources for Health Care Professionals
Physical Activity Conversations
The ultimate resource to help healthcare professionals integrate physical activity conversations into routine clinical care. Includes consultation guides and patient information.
Physical Activity & Health e-learning
e-learning for healthcare online learning programme about the prevention and management of long-term health conditions through being active.
Making Every Contact Count e-learning
Make Every Contact Count (MECC) training encourages individuals to engage in opportunistic conversations about health and wellbeing and shares tips, tools and knowledge about signposting.
Physical Activity in the Treatment of Long Term Conditions e-learning
This BMJ Learning collection highlights the importance of physical activity and how it can produce health benefits. Has detailed, evidence-based summaries on how it can prevent and improve specific conditions such as cancer, diabetes and mental health.
Guidance & Recommendations
UK Chief Medical Officer guidelines
Guidance from the Chief Medical Officers in the UK on the amount and type of physical activity people should be doing to improve their health.
Public Health England: Health Matters - Physical Activity
Health matters: physical activity for the prevention and management of long-term conditions. Lots of useful information and infographics.
Physical activity: brief advice for adults in primary care from the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE).
RCGP Physical Activity Hub & Active Practices Charter
Join the national network of practices making positive changes in their surgeries or network to boost staff and patient wellbeing.
The benefits of physical activity for people living with long term conditions are well established. However, the fear of increasing symptoms or worsening long term problems commonly stops people from moving more. Many healthcare professionals also feel unsure about what advice they should give to people living with symptomatic medical conditions. The consensus statement was developed to help healthcare professionals understand what safety advice they should give to people in clinical practice.
Move Together Resources
Move Together Leaflet (PDF, 208 Kb)
Translated Leaflets (Zip Archive, 11.2 Mb)
Move Together Prompt Card (PDF, 3.2 Mb)
GP Screen Adverts (Zip Archive, 14.4 Mb)