
Spotlight story - motivating people

A Move Together participant found out about the pathway following an operation and shares their Move Together experience:

"I found it so difficult to motivate myself to do the exercises, it was so easy not to do them. But I got a phone call and this person came round. He was a really nice person and came to my house to help with exercises. He identified the three best exercises I needed to do to strengthen my legs. Each week he came and he increased the amount of exercises I was doing. I have kept it up as there were only three exercises, it was easier to do them. It's strengthened my various muscles and gave me more confidence in walking without a walking stick. The encouragement was fantastic, the encouragement made me do it, seeing the progress, which made me feel good after failing at physio. Living on your own you need somebody to do it with or to show you what to do.

Gemma's Story

Bob's Story - BBC Radio Oxford

Listen to this short radio clip to hear from Active Oxfordshire's Richard Claydon about what Move Together is and listen to Bob share his experience of the pathway.

Jo's Story

Paul's Story

Debbie's Story